Thursday, January 24, 2013

My first experiences with wine

From what I can remember, I had my first taste of wine at age eight.  I should probably elaborate on this: I’m Catholic, and my first sip of wine was during my First Communion.  Not to worry, I wasn’t a regular wine drinker as an adolescent.  Every time I attended church I would have a sip of whatever kind of [horrid] red wine was used for the Eucharist.  There were a lot of times where I would skip the wine because; lets face it, that stuff was nasty.  What I like to call, “church wine,” definitely put me off alcohol, especially wine, for much of my early years.  However, over the years I realized that adults actually enjoyed drinking wine.  I began to think that I might enjoy wine one day too.

Moving onto my next wine stage of life, I had my first glass of wine at age 13.  My family and I were traveling around Europe for the summer, and I had my first glass of wine at a restaurant in Paris.  You know, I wanted to seem European and sophisticated.  My family shared a bottle of white wine, but I didn’t like it.  My mom always preferred white wines, so I figured they probably tasted better than red wines.  The white wine tasted bitter and sour, but it wasn’t as terrible as the red wine.  I also experienced my first stein of beer on this trip, while in Germany.  If I learned one thing from my alcohol-related experiences in Europe, it’s that Europeans start drinking at an early age, probably around the time they were born.  I’m not sure which I didn’t like more, the beer or the wine; but I definitely wondered why adults enjoyed drinking alcohol so much.  My dad told me alcohol is an acquired taste, and now I can definitely agree with this statement, as I am now an avid drinker of alcohol.

Eight years after hating my first glass of wine, I now love drinking wine!  Somewhere along the way, I acquired the alcohol taste.  The first time I remember enjoying a glass of wine was during my second trip to Europe the summer before I started college.  I was back in Paris and ordered a cheap red wine, which I actually enjoyed [see picture below].  I was in my favorite city in the world, chilling on the Champs-Élysées with friends, enjoying a nice glass of wine – it was heaven.  It wasn’t until this moment that I starting appreciating wine.  Alas, I didn’t become a regular wine drinker until college.  I’m not going to lie, the main appeal for me was how cheap a bottle of wine could be, compared to a case of beer or a handle of liquor.  I’ve tried all the cheap wines, and I’m talking “$2.95 Walmart special” cheap.  I can’t afford to be selective on a college budget, but I do get to enjoy a nice glass [or whole bottle] of wine occasionally.  When I go home, my mom and I often have a glass of Vinho Verde during dinner, my absolute favorite wine.  I’m usually not picky when it comes to wine, but I prefer the white, fruity, sweet but not too sweet, and maybe a little bitter taste.

I want to branch out of my comfort zone and try many different kinds of wine, cheap and expensive.  Currently, my favorite wines are Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and of course, Vinho Verde.  I also want to learn to love red wine, especially for its health benefits.  I would like to be able to know which wines to pair with certain types of food so that I can correctly pair a glass of wine with dinner.  Mostly, I would just like to raise my appreciation and knowledge for wine.  Now that I’ve written out my whole wine-life story, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for my future of wine drinking. 


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